Who is Antique Art Gardens?

Hello, I’m Teresa! I’m a believer in clean living, natural products and healing. I’ve been handcrafting cold processed soap for over ten years with only natural ingredients and without any synthetic fragrances. Every ingredient in my soap must be safe and beneficial, as the health of the mind and body is essential for me.  

I began creating soap after being inspired by my walks in the forest. The scent of the wet leaves, pine needles, and plants positively influenced my mood and overall health. Some call it forest-bathing. I wanted to carry this forward in my everyday life. With this inspiration and endless studying, I began pairing oils to carefully create soaps that have improved my sleep, mood and health. My cold processed soap bars have become a foundation in my life and those that have supported Antique Art Gardens over the years. Thank you for visiting, and I hope to see you soon.

Want to visit our store? Call Teresa at (905) 960 9179 to book an appointment now
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